“It’s ALL good!”

Yes, that is how I would, succinctly, capsulize this most recent “6 days that mattered” which  to those in the home industry know  such is referring to the Fall 2011 High Point Furniture Market.

For 8 years I have participated as an exhibitor in the High Point Market, and there is no doubt that I, like all, have seen, and likewise experienced, a lot of changes over the years. And although there is a general contention that “traffic” is down, I feel safe to say that the general contention also is that the people that are coming to High Point, are a purposeful buyer and that the tone out and about is upbeat and positive.

My take? Well, anyone that is at Market is still in business, and as such we have great cause to celebrate. We have sustained our businesses through an economic upheaval, which probably shouldn’t be put in past tense quite yet, that has taken a huge toll on the home furnishings industry and all associated with it. The casualty list is one that is not to be ignored and any of us could just as easily be on said list….BUT, we’re not.

Everyone at Market is actively in business, each  doing our part to keep it all going…and TOGETHER we continue to contribute to the well being of our economic climate by refusing to participate in the recession….this downturn which has served as a great equalizer, among many other things. But fact of the matter is that our businesses mattered, and all of us have done the things we needed to do sustain and grow… tighten the belts, skim on some of the “extras”, be creative/resourceful,collaborate, work more for less,etc etc …. to fuel ourselves on. So, bravo for us!

And in keeping with the celebratory feeling I have whilst amongst all at  Market, I would like to add how appreciative I am of MY ever evolving community in High Point….one in which a sense of collaboration is prevalent… to the point of humbling me as I take personal benefit from doors that continue to open ….relationships that continue to be fostered/introduced and enrich my life and ultimately my business. I aspire simply to honor the support and collaborations that continue to become part of ZAAR’s presence in High Point.

Yes, Market Fall 2011 was all I had hoped for….

A nice contingent of customers found their way to our new, easy to locate,  warehouse/showroom, also known as ZAAR Design Center, on the corner of West and Green. see photos here.

As a trade partner of C.R. Laine I was beyond thrilled to hang my hat in their Interhall showroom for a good part of the week…giving me a platform to be in front of a steady ebb and flow of people , many of which I knew and which was great to re acquaint with, and many which I was able to make an initial introduction, that were drawn into their show stopper showroom. See pix here.

As a member of WITHIT I reveled in the opportunity to further entrench myself in this organization, by attending the events they sponsored, namely their educational breakfast which featured Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, founder of Apartment Therapy, and the Competitive Intelligence/Trends Forecast event.

As a friend of many fellow exhibitors, I enjoyed supporting their events and “wins”…speaking in particular here of Red Egg‘s win as Showroom of the Year award…see additional  photos here.

And after all is said and done I know that between now and the next Market I have continued opportunities to promote, not only my business, but those that have joined me at ZAAR Design Center, as we remain open for High Point Design Centers Designer Wednesdays, and plan on active participation in the annual Unity in Design Event, held in Feb.

So, yes…it is all good.

Thank you to all that participated at every level to make Market a relevant experience to all. And onward!

…and should you like to add a perspective to what your thoughts were on Fall 2011 Market, I’d love to hear them. Designers, Marketers, Buyers, Exhibitors…please bend my ear!
