Barbara has used this chinosiere armoire to house her TV et al.

“It’s too bad there are only 3 attributes we can select from when making a recommendation – I’d heartily select ALL for Ruth.  My experience with her started when I was looking for a coffee table for my home, many years ago…. January 2001 to be exact. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of working with Ruth professionally and also living with the beautiful and unique pieces I’ve purchased from her over the years. I’ve also had great reports from  clients to whom I have suggested see Ruth about furnishings. Quality, Style, Service – in a nutshell.” November 3, 2008


Just over a year ago I set up my LinkedIn profile and who would not only find me there, but also contribute the above unsolicited recommendation?! Thank you so much Barbara!

Chinese reed mat coffee tables "do the trick" here.

Am so pleased to have Barbara Jacobs not only as advocate for Antiques by Zaar, but also as a friend.  Our friendship started as we went about the business of selling/buying some Asian pieces for her home, which entailed her travelling north to visit our Maine warehouse and following, my husband and I travelling south to deliver a coffee table she decided on.  It was furthered as I “bit” and joined IFDA New England, where she happened to be membership chair at the time. Little did she know that by doing so she would end up with a house guest as I worked to  attend the Boston based events, trekking the 2 plus hours from my Maine home…to join events such as the bus trip to the Kips Bay Showhouse, networking dinners (where my donations to the silent auction were always a hit!)  and more.

So, here and now I would like to introduce you to Barbara’s business.  Well,  actually her two businesses.

Her passion for color is stage front for all she does and is and thus the name of her parent company, Barbara Jacobs Color and Design is most àpropos. She has sequayed this passion to a business where she applies said passion to the designing of a very special line of hand-knotted Tibetan carpets.

She has recently revamped her website, where you can visit to check out Barbara Jacobs Color and Design and her carpet business, Silk Road Weaves.

You can also sign up for her enewsletter, where, word is, she has offered a New Year discount  for a color consult AND paint!

And, now she is also doing a blog. Go Barbara!

We actually managed to get together for lunch last Fall, first time we’d seen each other in a blue moon. But in the interim we keep tabs on each other on LinkedIn, Facebook and through our online missives. Feel free to join her in reading my Newsletter.  Yes, we are yet another example of a business relationship that started online and the following friendship continues to be fostered online. What a great gift in this venue of doing business/making friends!

If you are looking for someone to guide you through some color revamping in your home, you needn’t look further than to Barbara Jacobs.

Become a Barbara Jacobs, and/or Antiques by Zaar Facebook fan! We both welcome you.


No matter the purpose, a red chinosiere armoire offers punch.

P.S. Although the trend has moved from housing TVs in armoires, we do carry a selection of such, should that be of interest to you. Click here to visit our armoire section.

Beautiful wood grain on this scroll coffee table

…and with new inventory arriving next week we have added a fresh infusion to our coffee table section…that and so much more. Click here to check out our coffee tables and here to see all the new goodies.

It is with great pleasure that I share with you that I will be co presenting a seminar on social networking, this Friday in Wilmington, NC, at the ASID Carolina’s Chapter conference.

ASID Conference: My 3rd conference, as rep of HPDC.

ASID Conference: My 3rd conference, as rep of HPDC.

I will be offering what has been my path towards engaging in social media and how it was such a natural extension of my online based business. A business  which is now in its 10th year since incorporation, and which was premised on a very personal approach…namely in the presentation of who is Antiques by Zaar, not just what we have to offer, as put forth in our About Us  section and furthered by our online newsletter  which we started in 2004.
Following my presentation, Neville  Devlaliwalla of  Cisco Systems  will cover the evolution of the internet and the different social media resources and some examples of how other corporations have used them successfully and poorly and where all this is going.
For a complete review of activities/presentations being offered this weekend, click here. The conference is open to all like minded professionals that may have an interest in any of the topics presented. A great place to network as well, with the close to 100 designers that have already registered for this event.
Look forward to sharing with all and also meeting and greeting as representative of the High Point Design Center.
P.S. The article I wrote on Social Networking for the High Point Market Authority is showcased as featured article on thier home page. Check it out if you haven’t already.

withit logo Withit, is the acronym for Women In The Home Industries Today, and is a group that I was first introduced to by Kathleen Holterman of French Heritage, last Spring.

 Kathleen and I share membership in the High Point Design Centre, and how I first connected with her; HPDC being a group I joined to further promote my business presence in High Point. As we chatted further about how I could further network in the area she suggested membership in Withit. I joined immediately and we talked about my doing a presentation to the NC group in the summer. Logistics would merit this to be postponed.

 Fast forward to Fall 08. Had just returned from the ASID Carolina’s conference in Raleigh Durham, where an inspiring talk by Jane Pollak, among other things, urged me in the direction of pursuing the venue of blogging for my business, and networking on sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. A new and daunting world but it seemed right and so I determined that one way or the other I would indeed engage in this new phenomenon called “social networking”.

Volunterring to promote HPDC@ ASID conference in Fall 08. A win on all fronts.

Volunterring to promote HPDC@ ASID conference in Fall 08. A win on all fronts.

 LinkedIn. Ok, I’m inviting people in. Now what? Join groups that share your interests. Writing groups, entrepreneurial focus groups, women’s business groups, and eventually  Designer groups…my customers.

  Go figure Withit had a group on LinkedIn, monitored by none other than Leslie Carothers. Read discussions. Look for tips on how to engage. A post by Leslie, the “queen” of social networking, on Twitter stating “if you do nothing more than set up an account on Twitter for your business, do that. You MUST have a presence on Twitter!” Ok, I bite. Now what? Start following Leslie and others that she is in conversation with. Start connecting on Twitter with others I share group memberships with on LinkedIn, including Withit.

 Fast forward Spring 09. I am again attending the ASID Carolina’s conference, this time in Greenville, SC. Perusing over the table where name cards are laid out I recognize the name of someone I follow on twitter, namely Starr Miller. My online world and real world are merging, meeting someone in “real”. So cool. Starr is a delight to meet and I look to her tweets and now blogs with even more interest. (Come to find out that Starr is also a member of Withit. World is getting smaller and larger all at the same time.)

Reprsenting HPDC @ ASID conference in lovely Greenville, SC.

Reprsenting HPDC @ ASID conference in lovely Greenville, SC.

 It gets better. After the conference I determine to spend a few days in my warehouse working before heading back to Maine. Carol Gregg, of Red Egg (another HPDC member) hosts a lovely party on her porch, introducing me to a group of dynamic women, that are, I find out, are ALL Withit members, including Kim Wray of High Point Market Authority, and a founding member of Withit!

 A Wonderful evening had by all at home of Carol Gregg.

A Wonderful evening had by all at home of Carol Gregg.

  I am embraced by a warmness of female camaraderie, of women that have all forged their ways in their careers/lives and that are eager to welcome me to the fold. (L to right: Ellen Geffen of  Geffen Productions, Kim Wray of High Point Market Authority, Shannon Hamed of Scott Thomas, Chemmine Taylor-Smith of Elle Decor and Metropolitan Home, and,  yours truly of Antiques by Zaar and our hostess, Carol Gregg of Red Egg.)

I unfortunately was not able to attend the conference that has taken place in Charlotte this past week, but I wanted to take the time here to let my world know how pleased I am to be part of this group and that although I was not with you in person this week, that I was there in Spirit; ensured that the energy, fervor, and enthusiasm I KNOW that was there, will be so again next year, when I will be able to partake. In the meanwhile I will continue to enjoy what I garner from those from Withit which I follow on Twitter, follow blogs of fellow members, and connect on Facebook and Linkedin for those participating in those venues. And I will continue to look forward to meeting in “real” more of these wonderful Spirits.


On all accounts it was a great week.


The weather was splendid, the hotel historic and the town of Greenville SC charming. ASID Carolina’s, in my personal estimation really did it right by hosting their Spring conference at this time of year, in this lovely part of the country.


There are so many aspects of the weekend event (and 3 days following)  that touched me that I hardly know where to start.


As expected the event was well organized and efficiently run. The presentation by Lloyd Princeton was met with anticipation for his renowned reputation as an international speaker and we were not to be disappointed.


As a participant of the Trade Show, representing the High Point Design Centre, I, along with my 3 colleagues, were given ample opportunity to further promote our availability to the Trade, not only during High Point, but also throughout the calendar year.


HPDC members at ASID Conference

HPDC members at ASID Conference

Furthermore, the continued merging of my online and real world moves forward as my email newsletter recipients now have a face to the sender of AbyZaar news they receive  and yet another meeting in person in form of fellow tweeter and LinkedIn member Starr Miller.


The three days following in High Point would further be a time to fuel me forward as I had opportunity to reacquaint myself with my inventory, make myself available for customers that did come for the HPDC First Wednesday event AND top the week off with a wonderful evening hosted by Carol Gregg (Red Egg) with a dynamic group of women, some of which are fellow members of HPDC but all which are members of WITHIT, a group I am also proudly associated with.

Ellen Geffen, Kim Wray, Shannon Hamed, Chemmine Taylor-Smith, yours truly and our hostess Carol Gregg.

Ellen Geffen, Kim Wray, Shannon Hamed, Chemmine Taylor-Smith, yours truly and our hostess Carol Gregg.


Energized, focused and sensing that it is all coming together as the activity on my phone/email inbox this week would suggest. My website, newsletter, blogs, participation on LinkedIn and Twitter foster my virtual presence and my showroom and warehouse in High Point support such. Membership in vital groups (HPDC, ASID and WITHIT) offer further outreach.  As I discover the various forces that have directed particular people my way I am delighted to see how  all are working in sync. So, however you have come into my world, I welcome you with open arms and look forward to getting to know you better.

The Carolina’s chapter of ASID is conferencing in Greenville South Carolina this weekend and I am excited about attending in the capacity of an Industry Trade Partner promoting the presence and availability of the High Point Design Center for our trade clientele, not only during Market but throughout the year.


I had the pleasure of attending their conference last Fall in Raleigh Durham, doing same. Not only was it a great opportunity for me to familiarize myself with ASID members, but also, as a new (and long distant) member of HPDC, to get to know on a relaxed and casual basis, fellow members.


ASID actively supports and promotes the HPDC and their relationship is furthered by joint membership in the Design Professionals of North Carolina, a group that was formed to present a cohesive and united front in a battle to quell taxing of Designers products and services in NC. Other groups that were part of this coalition were IDS, IIDA and NKBA.


High Point Design Center Receives Award from ASID Carolina's Chapter

High Point Design Center Receives Award from ASID Carolina's Chapter

(From L to R Joyce Allen: Ferguson Copeland, Ruth Olbrych: Antiques by Zaar, Jeanne Glenn: Karges, Shannon Hamed:Scott Thomas, Kay Lambeth: Tomlinson, Monica Peters: Habersham)


 The DPNC joined forces again with the production of the Unity in Design Event which was held this past February which was a great success. Read my newsletter “afterglow” report on the event.


Following the conference weekend I will be spending the next 3 days working out of my High Point warehouse. Should anyone be interested in visiting during that time please feel free to call and make yourself known.


Note that Wednesday June 3rd, is the High Point Design Center’s “First Wednesday” event and as such there will be a plethora of businesses open for the shopping pleasure of those in the Trade.


Looking forward to this networking opportunity for HPDC and, of course, Antiques by Zaar.

Congratulations to Tobi Fairley who has recently been recognized and featured by Traditional Home magazine as one of the Top 20 young designers. Yes, she is to be to watched out for, and for more reasons than one.


Lieth and Ruth New River Artisan Showroom High Point

Lieth and Ruth New River Artisan Showroom High Point

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting her this past February in the New River Artisan showroom, where she was the featured speaker as part of the Unity in Design Event, sponsored by the High Point Design Centre, of which I am a member.




Leith Satterwhite, (owner of New River and fellow HPDC member), and I had met in the Fall, (at the ASID Carolina’s conference in Raleigh Durham) and immediately connected. It was with pleasure that Antiques by Zaar would offer New River Artisans a handful of pieces to accent their wonderful carpet display for the High Point Market. And it was with similar pleasure that I accepted the invitation to meet Tobi during the Unity in Design Event.


Tobi’s presentation , entitled “Thriving in Tough Economic Times and How to Brand Yourself using Custom Product,” was received by an engaged audience of design professionals, who participated in a very vibrant q and a session following  her most informative power point presentation.


Of particular interest to me was her input on a new aspect of her profession as a blogger, and how she was further promoting her business via this venue.  As a fledgling blogger I was all ears and eager to learn from someone that had fully engaged in this new wave of sharing the good news. And as such, immediately upon return home I signed up to follow Tobi’s blog to see how an expert does it. I enjoy receiving her blogs and would encourage anyone in the industry to do so, as they are personable, informative and a delight to look at as she always has wonderful photos included to support her text, not to mention a plethora of product to promote as she does in her “Top 10” lists.


Her input on blogging supported her opening statements which suggested that the best way to thrive (not survive, but thrive) in these times is to “invest in your infrastructure, facility, systems, people and website….to be smart in these times as you would be in times of prosperity and to do what you do best” And for goodness sake “decide not to participate in the recession, but rather use this economy to open up a niche”


I thank her for these encouraging words, these directives, and for setting a stellar example to all of us, as someone that is most definitely not participating in the recession but rather embracing and charging forward like there is no tomorrow.


We can only all do what we can to have a place after “this” is all over and come out of the other end all the better for it.


It has been over a year since I first read (11/07 issue of Entrepeanor magazine) that it would behoove me, to further the growth/exposure of my business to engage in social networking and blogging. This past September I attended  the Carolina’s chapter of ASID conference in Raleigh Durham (as representative of the High Point Design Center) and in two of the presentations given, I was once again presented with this idea of both social networking and blogging.  And so I determined to delve into understanding better this world and enter it, in spite of my intimidation.

And so, not unlike when I went live with our first website in August 2000, I admit to jumping in here, not understanding all that I probably should (but possibly enough) ,  considering that the best way to do so, is to simply start and let the learning curve begin. Or to put it another way, let my love of writing/sharing with people over ride my lack of knowledge on the technical side of connecting and getting the word out.  (With husband on board to further the logistics of me getting the word out, I am able to get to the stage of posting this blog, and hopefully many more.)

Yes, I joined a couple LinkedIn a couple of months ago. Enjoying reconnecting and look forward to further taking advantage of this venue of connecting with people that have come into my life, or are pondering such, in particular as they consider doing business with me. (More on LinkedIn in a later posting.)

Since 2004 I have been faithfully posting a newsletter to a list that has grown to over 3,700. Although the impetus for each newsletter is to pass on information regarding our business (new inventory purchased, new inventory arrived, new pieces presented etc etc) I have taken to couching the “meat” of my newsletters with a more personal touch.  This blog is to serve more as a venue for me to make the personal touch the “meat” and couch it with information on my business.

Yes, I have plenty to say. As a self employed entrepeneur working from a home office, running an online import/retail/wholesale business, successfully selling Chinese antiques, as a mother of 3 college students, as an ex expat (Haiti,Thailand, Taiwan and the States if you count that, for I am a displaced Canadian ) , as a breeder of golden retrievers, and ????

It was the suggestion that social networking/blogging would further the exposure/growth of my business. That is my excuse for taking these opportunities to get to say what I have to say on the various roles I have played in my life (as noted above) as well as stay in touch with the many people that have come into my life over the years.

I hope you will find this interesting. I look forward to staying in touch using this venue.
