Just Me Sharing

The numbers are  growing, and will continue to grow,  for people that are shopping online. We have moved from catalogues to the computer and in order for this this portal to continue to serve us all well it  is a given  that our online shopping/selling experience  maintain a level of integrity for this venue to continue on succesfully.

As consumers we used to rely on reports by the Better Business Bureau to give us handles on the validity of any particular business, especially ones that are we were unfamiliar with, but now, with the world wide web, this information, including that of the BBB, is right at our fingertips.

If leary, the easiest thing to do is google….”company name online review”.  If there is something bad to be said about the particular company in question, you will readily see it pop up on the first page.

Also, Google the name of the person you are communicating with.  If you can’t get a full name put up your red flag.

If you are the patient type, and the business is doing what it should to be out there on social media, this reletively recent phenomenon that serves the consumer so very well,  check the assorted portals and ensure a consistency in presention of the company and the person representing the company.

Asking for referrals  isn’t a bad thing, but really…is anyone going to give you a bad referral?

Well, I take that back.  From a customer of mine… One company gave a prospective client (her)  a list of names of supposed satisfied customers. When this persons red flag started going up they started calling the names on said list…many of which had never even done business with the company in question! Guess they didn’t expect the customer to actually make the calls.

The beautiful thing is that there are many many more people out there doing good business than those that aren’t and no need to let the few that aren’t harm us.  Fact is that we, ALL, buyers AND sellers, simply are required  to exercise diligence and responsibility in our transactions, and the fact is that if the majority weren’t doing so, commerce on the web wouldn’t be the growing success it is…ie, we really can trust each other!

I for one am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this virtual shopping mall, coupled as it is, with its own consumer awareness board which just continues to grow in depth and breadth as social media cements itself as part of the fabric of everyone’s online shopping experience.

If YOU are unfortunate enough to have a bad experience, it does behoove you to share this with the world as way of warning to others….and similarly it goes without saying a good review goes the same distance…just in a different direction.

Happy Internet Shopping! 🙂


P.S. In my early blogging days I did do an entry entitled Google Me! There you go…

Ruth Olbrych

SCORE’S Mission Statement

To Deliver Expertise and Resources to Maximize the Success of Existing and Emerging Small Businesses.


….and that is exactly what my experience has been since I attended my first SCORE  workshop, on writing a business plan, last summer.

Following that most informative workshop I asked the presenter about securing someone to counsel me, as I worked to take my 10 year old business to the next level.  My understanding that such was available at no cost,  truth be told, it  just seemed too good to be true…but I had nothing to lose by exploring this venue.

 Long story short… the gentleman who presented the workshop was  true to his word and within a week one of the SCORE counsellors contacted me….the one he thought would work well for my particular needs.  We met shortly thereafter, and the rest is history. Nancy Strojny, who currently has her own consulting business and has a 20 plus year history with Proctor and Gamble, has become not only an indispensible resource for me, but also my cheerleader, reality checker and dear dear friend. We fit like a glove!

Yesterday I attended my 2nd SCORE workshop which served as a primer on using  Social Media and making it work for your business.  It was a cohesive and informative presentation made  by Nicki Hicks of flyte new media….touching all the major venues we as small business owners need to engage in to put our businesses “out there”….certainly a good launch pad for the many that attended that were either starting their own business, or working to understand the intricacies of facebook, blogging, twitter, linkedin etc. And although I do have a reasonable handle on this I walked away with tips/resources that I previously was unaware of.

I’m just over the top for an organization that delivers what it “sells”….and in this case what SCORE has to offer is either free or at a nominal charge.

If you are thinking of starting a business or already have a business, and are looking for some professional advise, you can’t lose by connecting with the fine folks at SCORE…at least that is my experience and therein my testimonial.

In Maine alone there are 7  SCORE chapters and there are 10,000 nationwide….just as an FYI.

Thank you Jane Pollak, for introducing this organization to me by way of your blog posting of Jan 25, 2010….Jane being another resource, specifically for Women Entrepeneurs, which is of great value to you and the growth of your business. At minimum you should follow her blog. And if you want more, her book Soul Proprieter, is one I’ve listened to repeatedly on my road trips….which are numerous.

  Click image to go directly to Amazon and purchase paper version.

…and this image if you want to listen to the book.

 Love love love sharing something, SCORE/Jane, which offers so much value to my many fellow entrepeneurs working their passion, and could use some handles…which we all do, eh?

Happy Day all.

and if you have a resource to share that has served you well, do just that…share.  Look forward to hearing from you.


A month ago today I packed my bags for what would be a month long road trip…..the impetus of said trip being a combination of personal and business matters, and which would add 5,000 miles onto my KIA and take me from my Maine home base to New York (3 stops), High Point NC, Ottawa Ontario and Montreal Quebec….and alot of places in between getting from here to there and back again.

So, here I am on the other side of what was a great trip, and am enjoying the “look back” as I share with my world some highlights below….and more specifically, at later dates….just  getting myself  back into the “blogosphere” here ….

Super Bowl Sunday @ Graybarn Cottage

…hosted by proprietors Gary and Sylvia Muller, customers/friends of Antiques by Zaar for almost 10 years now, was great.  How delightful to be invited to take in the Super Bowl, admitting here not a huge follower, just like to be part of the “event” that capsulates the season, with the Mullers and their friends…and see first hand how wonderful our altar works in their well appointed “cottage”.

  If you want to see more photos of Graybarn Cottage or the Mill House Inn…or look into either place as a venue for your next pampered getaway, simply go to www.millhouseinn.com .

Unity in Design Event: High Point NC

This was my 3rd year participating in the HPDC’s   “winter event” and ironically enough, each year the weather seems to be colder and colder AND definitely progressively more snow than one would expect to deal with in North Carolina. Thankfully the cold temperatures/tenuous road conditions didn’t get in the way of this event being the success it is each year.

ZAAR (Design Centre/Antiques by…)  took particular pleasure in hosting lunch/presentation in our chilly warehouse/showroom Thursday Feb 10th.  Hot dishes from Emerywood warmed our insides and Bobbie Cox of Dragonfly Designs enraptured her audience with her presentation.

Thank you ALL!  Bobbie, for offering such insight and having such an engaging presentation that was relevant  to those currently in the business and to those prospectives… yes, we were graced by presence of a lovely group of design students from Western Carolina University, and to the  gathering we had to take it all in. Also to members of the ZAAR Design Center for their help and participation, namely Vanderveer Imports, Kat Burki, Bellescenda, and Touchwood. Click here for luncheon photos, just a few…was too busy chatting up….


After a busy and uplifting 3.5 days in North Carolina, it was back to New York for a few days…with one of the highlights of my time working from there being a visit with Antiques by Zaar customer/friends Catherine Kovins and Thom Januaz .  I love it when “lunch” becomes an event that takes you right to dinner…yes, that is how the time flowed visiting, talking and simply enjoying the face to face interaction as catylst to recent years communicating on the phone/via email.  I very much look forward to our next meeting, which we are hoping to do during Asia Week in NYC.

Black lacquered sideboard and mirror, purchased from AbyZaar, worked too perfectly in the Master Suite of Catherine and Thom’s home. Click here to view other photos of how they mixed Asian in their gorgeous home.

The wedding of my nephew Casey Wall to Cheryl Grossman, was the impetus for my trip taking me to Ottawa Ontario.  As I am the only sibling that is “away”, it is great to have such an oppotunity to catch up and celebrate…in some cases reconnecting with people I hadn’t seen in over 2 decades! Cheryl was the consumate blushing bride, could her smile have been any wider?, the service touching and the reception, held at the War Museum…well, a great party. Click here to view photos of the event.

Montreal and final trip to NY was for my family…returning one college daughter to McGill after a brief visit to Maine during her winter break, and 2nd daughter to NY to catch a plane to get back to finish her last semester at University of Western Ontario…2nd college graduation in 2 years, and 3rd one following next year. Oh my!

This but scratches the surface of the most recent run about and you’ll read about more in months to follow as Antiques by Zaar moves forward and my family moves around. Yes, Life is Good.


…on the road again, and, as usual, armed with a couple of books on CD. As I don’t make it a priority to set time aside to read, I look forward to listening to books whilst driving. And, as my “average”  day driving is about 6 hours, I’m given good time to get through a book or two…with ample talk time, but of course, interspersed with my time listening .

And, as is my habit, at least one of the books I’m armed with, I choose with intent for it to serve as inspiration to fuel me forward in my cause….AND, I love it when I’m not disappointed by my choice.  As I had listened to my first Dr. Wayne Dyer book in October (en route to my parent’s 60th anniversary), called Inspiration, Your Ultimate Calling…I was pretty sure I would be “good” when I chose (I rent for 1.00/2 weeks from my local library) yet another Wayne Dyer CD, entitled the Power of Intention.

Although I’m only half way through, will finish it on next leg of my trip on Monday, I am already feeling the empowerment he hopes to instill when people read/listen to his books, and thus my interest in sending this out as a “recommended read/listen”.

…for, although my “intention” to send this out will hold true, the fact remains that when I land in NC on Tuesday, that I will be hitting the ground running, in addition to Unity Event noted below, also have a container of merchandise landing AND a new member moving into ZAAR Design Center, and this would simply remain an intention and not a fulfilled one…and that would be a shame.

Yes, participating in the Unity in Design Event will have me flat out, and couldn’t be more excited for it, AND now, feeling very much that the energy I share with those that I come in contact with, is such that works to serve a greater good, and it just energizes me further.

So, for all Designers “intending” to attend the UNITY in Design Event but have yet to register, let me give you a venue here to do so by including link here to do a quick and dirty online registration, so you can fulfill that “intention” now. It is such an inspiring event, it would a shame for you not to make it….and you can sign up for  lunch @ ZAAR on Thursday here as well…no additional charge… it’s going to be so much fun…AND Inspiring, of course.

So, should you be inspired to purchase either the paper or DVD  version of Dr Dyer’s books, directly, you can do so by clicking the links below which will take you directly to Amazon. And, by purchasing by way of going through this link, a portion of said sale will go to Antiques by Zaar, as I’m set up as an Affiliate Member. Note that all proceeds from shopping through me to Amazon will go to the work of FIDA-PCH in Haiti.

 Audio  version

 Book  version

….and his other book of Inspiration, on just that, Inspiration…

   book version.

…..and audio version, for fellow road warriors.

So, to a good weekend to one and all. Won’t be writing over the weekend, taking it “off” for some couple time,  but hope to catch you on the flip side on Monday.


…heading from the Calendar New Year into the Lunar Chinese New Year, Feb 4th, as we are, thought still in keeping to offer the below “tips”, which are timeless, and good things for us to keep in mind….for A New Year, no matter when such starts for you.


Tips for a Powerful New Year

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. 🙂 It’s the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day….my day just jump starts when I take this time to slow down and be in my quiet

3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, “My purpose is to __________ today.”

4. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.

5. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less foods that are manufactured in plants…if only I could follow my son’s fine example!

6.  Clear the clutter from your house your car, you desk and let new flowing energy into your life…working on it….never ending it seems.

7. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you can’t control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

9. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out credit card.

10. Smile and laugh more. 🙂

11. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

12. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

13. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

14. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, and the fancy dinnerware-don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

16. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

17. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, will this really matter?”

18. Forgive.

19. What other people think of you is none of your business.

20. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

21. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

22. Stay in touch with your friends.

23. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

24. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.


26. No matter how bad you think you feel, get up, dress up and show up.


28. If you are lucky enough to have them still with you…call your mother and father often.

29. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: “I am thankful for ____________.” Today I accomplished____________.”

30. Enjoy the ride. Rembembr that this is not Disney World and you certainly don’t want a fast pass.


unlike this one @ Disney, which yes, we got a Fast Pass to…

Happy Day ALL!!!!!!



Not really sure who to give credit to for this, as don’t have an author on the copy I printed off from an email….


Created by my son Zach. On Facebook as Cake Lab.

This time last year I honed in on two words to serve as “pillars”  around which  I hoped to help my year materialize….those words being  Structure and Discipline.

How’d I do? Well, I could be really hard on myself and go on and on about what STILL needs to be addressed on these grounds,  ie, how it could be perceived that I failed, OR, I can cut myself some slack and objectively look at last year and say that, although worthy values to focus on, that there were just a few things that needed to be addressed first, BEFORE being able to put in place what I want/need to do for my life/my business by way of structure and discipline.  Yes, no cart before the horse.

So, per my most recent blog, 2010:Grateful For…, I am indeed feeling pretty darn good, and grateful, about this past year, and see that I have  a good solid base in place to move forward in 2011.  In retrospect the 3 words that would best describe the “essence” of last year would be determination, ownership and accountability.

My 3 words, borrowing from  Chris Brogan here by adding a 3rd word, for 2011 are…

Just me and my KIA...from here to there and there to here....

1. Focus:  Start something, finish it. Embrace full heartedly and with exuberance each “project,” job, task or even activity of leisure, that I set before myself. Structure my time.  Be effective and productive, whether on the road, about 50% of my time, or at my home. Have a win every day. Find a way to fit more into my days…be it for work and/or for personal pleasure. I believe focus is the key to this becoming my reality.

2. Presence:  Online… with my blogging, twitter, facebook, LinkedIn and Newsletters…all to let people get to know me/remember who I am, and lead them to my website, should they have an interest in buying Chinese Antiques. Simply keep it up.

To those that are already my customers…visiting them, calling them, emailing them, acknowledging them, promoting them.

...as seen in Better Homes & Gardens June 2010

To the world that doesn’t know me yet… to capitalize on the publicity that avails itself to me, through various connections made in the past….so that they can know me.

To my family and friends….to be fully present with them, giving them my undivided attention, when the time calls for such.

And to promote my personal sense of “presence” by eating well, sleeping enough, exercising, and reflecting.

3. Growth:  Personal growth and business growth…the former an ongoing process not to be denied…the latter, a reality I feel can be mine this 2011.

 Consumer confidence growing, happy customers coming back and new ones continue to find me.  The niche I’ve created for myself online is enhanced by the fact that that a growing number of  people are inclined to do thier shopping online… so much more than 10 years ago when we first established ourselves.

Growing in presence in High Point. Our first Market Square location, 2004.

Also, building on 6 years of growing presence in High Point and broadening my base with the development of ZAAR Design Center….offering our product, and that of others that have joined me, not only during High Point Markets, but year round.

Yes, I’m eager to embrace all that this coming year has to offer.

My world continues to grow and be brighter for the many wonderful people that have come my way, and continue to. And the fact that so much of this goodness is due to this business of buying and selling Chinese Antiques….well, what a great gig!

And now it’s time to get on with it….yes, blogs forthcoming.

… yes, that means showcasing my furniture in a myriad of settings, as represented by those that have cared to share photos…and that means introducing you to Designers that keep Antiques by Zaar at their fingertips when the need for a Chinese Antique rolls around…and that means giving you highlights on Events I’ll be attending/hosting, books I’ll be reading/listening to and, and, and …..you get the drift.

Peace, joy and prosperity…may they  be yours this 2011.


P.S. And if you have YOUR  THREE WORDS for this coming year….yes, I’d LOVE to know what they are.



My name is  Ruth Olbrych, and I am the President of Antiques by Zaar, the online company my husband and I founded in 2000, to import and sell Chinese Antique Furniture.

“President” is the title on our corporate documents but  frankly  I am much more comfortable with “owner/operator”….mostly because it is how I saw my role… as doer.

Anyways, with my husband’s return to the corporate world this past year, I have been put in a place where my leadership was required, should this business continue to not only exist, but grow.

 And here I am at the end of this year… feeling like I did when my first born turned 1. Yes, under my care and my love, my child did much more than merely survive…he thrived…and I, after this full year can pronounce, Yes, I CAN do this….let’s rock on!

But before doing so I would like to take a little space  to acknowledge the many things/people that have been part of my evolution this 2010….

…. My Brain…for  it  stretched  itself to learn skills that seemed impossible in the past….be it managing the technical side of my online persona or crunching numbers.

….the many online venues/social media available to direct people to my website and put myself out there, Facebook, Twitter, LinkdedIn, and this blog….costing TIME but not $$$$.

High Point Design Center and WITHIT…organizations I am proud to be a member of and appreciate so much the people that they attract and which I can call “mine”.

….Vanderveer Imports, Bellascenda and Kat Burki…all who have joined with me in High Point, as part of my new ZAAR Design Center.

….Jeff Moore, my sales associate/warehouse manager/showroom designer etc etc etc  in High Point. She is me when I’m not in NC, and more…and I couldn’t have a better representative for my business, or friend.

….Nancy Strojny, my SCORE counsellor, who believes  in Antiques by Zaar, and offers guidance, advice and friendship.

….West Express, my High Point landlords, and shippers, and Metropolitan, another shipping company I rely on. Between both companies my customers don’t only receive their furniture, they receive it well.

Ruth with Sandy Jenifer...Happy customer since May 2002!

….And what would a business be without customers? I am so blessed….for those that I’ve had long lasting relationships with and continue to shop with me, for those that are new to my world and are finding their way to shop with me, and for those that have no need to fill but continue to promote Antiques by Zaar to their friends and collegues.

…and Finally, in another vein, i am grateful for the Gift I have for being self employed, and thereby have the latitude to be available to my Family…be it taking trips to Singapore and Australia to visit my daughters, move my 3 kids in/out of their respective places of residence for the school years, or to be present to extended family as we celebrated  the  lives of those who had untimely passings, namely my brother in law and sister.

Yes, so much to be grateful for and so much to anticipate as we enter this New Year/New Decade.

I THANK YOU ALL for being part of my world, by virture of the fact that you’re reading this I consider you such 🙂 …. and look forward to sharing more throughout this 2011.


P.S. And if you care to share what you were grateful for in 2010 I would LOVE to know.

Tuesday December 14th the Kay/Wall families received a bevy of people that came to acknowledge the recent  passing of my younger sister, Linda Wall. Visitation was at the Ratz-Bechtal Funeral Home and there was a steady stream of people that came to pay their respects, for the 2.5 hour period. It was quite amazing. The visitation room was appointed so tastefully with the many flowers that were sent, as well as photos of family and friends, a slideshow and  memorbilia that represented various interests of Linda…ie, her knitting and artwork. Linda allocated donations to FIDA-PCH, the organization our parents founded in Haiti over 20 years ago.
 To view photos of the lovely presentation at the visitation, click this facebook photo link
To see the slideshow and leave notes of condolences, visit the link for Ratz Bechtel, here.
To visit FIDA-PCH website and view memorial/send donations, click here.
Wednesday December 15th, the sun was shining brightly on a crisply freshly fallen snow as throngs gathered at the Rockway Mennonite Church to further acknowledge my dear sister Linda. She would’ve been pleased…the church was full to the rafters, the flowers plentiful and beautiful, the music heartwarming and the tributes touching and heartfelt.
For days following the words of the hymns, Linda requested many…we sang 3, would replay in my head….”Precious Lord Take my Hand”….”When Peace Like a River….” and finally, her very favorite, “Heart with Loving Hearts United.” and Holy Holy Holy, as sung by her highschool chums, Peggy, “Mush” and Sandy…who also came to her house several times in recent weeks to sing hymns with/for Linda…and which I had the absolute pleasure of enjoying myself on 3 occasions.
What I know for sure is that Friendship was part of Linda’s “Service” and I’m intent on carrying that on…. I’m thrilled to add to my own numbers of friends, those that Linda called on as such. May the League of Angels stay strong and grow in numbers!

May Angels rest beside your door,

may you hear their voices sing.

May you feel thier loving peace bells ring.

May angels always care for you,

and not let you trip and fall.

may they bear you up on angels wings,

may they keep you standing tall.

May they fill you with their presence,

may they show you love untold,

may they always stand beside you

and make you ever bold.

May they teach you what you need to know

about life here and here-after.

May they fill you always with their love

and give you the gift of laughter.

…..for my Sister, Linda.

I’m not going to lie,  just ask my family 🙂 …I have been “counting up” to my 5oth for, well…about a year now. And so I feel it appropriate to acknowledge that which was more than a “celebration” for a single day. Yes, I have managed to spread this out quite nicely over the past several weeks, and so, a taste of what has made me Happy Turning 50…

 my daughter Avery launched this by acknowledging my big 5 0, when I visited her in Australia this past September, read about here….with a touching card and thoughtful gifts….acknowledging my love, no, not addiction, for my morning coffee/time on the road, with a Melbourne Starbucks travel mug, a lovely necklace,  and a pair of adorable, travel sized inspirational books on Happiness and Angels….appreciating  my interest in pulling out such quips which she knows I like to share with my world via twitter/facebook….and needing mini size to travel with.

embracing the fact of my business, Antiques by Zaar,  marks 10 years since it’s first online sale, later this month,  and introducing ZAAR Design Center…celebrating this, and a little birthday cheer, ALL at the High Point Market last month.  Thank you all that contributed to that!

having had  the opportunity to have had some lovely one on one time with my daughter Arianna end of Oct when she joined me in celebrating her grandparent’s 60th wedding anniversary  10/24 in Waterloo Ontario….this too giving me cause for celebration, as noted in my blog….and spending some very precious time with the rest of my family…in particular some “sisterly” time with my 2 sisters.

the wall girls

 taking some days off with my husband so we could have a “staycation” in NYC last weekend….4 liesurely days bopping around the Big Apple/Long Island, taking in a NY Rangers game, just as much a show watching fans as the game, Jersey Boys on Broadway, yes had me dancing and singing as we left the theatre, visit to Metropolitan Museum, and a plethora of leisurely lunches and coffees, people watching and chat chat chatting. Dare I forget to mention that the people watching was enhanced by the fact that we were in the city on October 31st. What a parade of costumes to gaze upon…great fun!

enjoying a reunion, lunch that turned into lunch, afternoon and dinner,  last week with 3 gals that I chummed with when living in Taiwan over a decade ago…bringing back many fond memories of our time in Asia as expats and being thrilled with how we could all pick up as if no time had passed…recalling how we found enjoyment in what one might expect as being unsuspecting places and catching up to where our kids and lives found us now….

anticipating what my son would create for me, by way of a cake, that would capture my “Spirit” on this landmark day. He does like to remind me of my half century status! …and thus he dug into my closet for inspiration, finding a faved blouse, the pattern which he mimicked on his/my cake. If you love this cake, be sure to check out his facebook page, Cake Lab, or even better, if in Maine, commission him for a cake….he is in business! www.zcakelab.com

making dinner, yes, I said making dinner….a good ole American meatloaf, with extra sauce, for my husband. 10 years in Asia I “managed” the kitchen and following 10 years in Maine, my husband ran our kitchen…and likewise ensuring we more often than not ate as a family. I am what I have decided to call myself,  an “Occasion” Cook. I like to cook for the Holidays and for parties, yes, occasions…although have not done nearly as much as I’d like in recent years. So, as my husband always cooks for me, I thought I’d make it special and cook for him. He likes my meatloaf and so, voila…a win win.

attending a local concert, the Battle of the Blends…. a fundraiser for the Maine Music Society, of which I am a member of…namely the Androscoggin Chorale…a concert where it was impossible to leave without a smile on your face and in your heart. Thank you Mark, for being my date!

enjoying Sunday Brunch at Fishbones…our most favorite Sunday Brunch venue.  Not only do we over indulge in the vast buffet set out but we also enjoy getting an update on Bauer, Kate and Paul’s, the owners of this fine establishment, golden retriever…which, yes, is a pup from one of our litters from when we were breeding goldens at Peacock Hill Farm.

And, last, actually, I fear there is more I’d like to put out, but this is already “too long” ,but so far from not being least….

watching my inbox be flooded with birthday messages, yes, the bulk via facebook, all week long. What a treat to have so many people, some that I admittedly know better than others, wish me well. My heart was truly touched, more than you can know.

Yes, I’ve had my 50th birthday…come and gone, BUT, my 50th year has just begun. With the love of my family around me and my world of friends opening their arms to me, I know that, with the growing wisdom of years, and the desire to touch and be touched, that wonderful Blessings lie ahead. Thank you for being part of my world.


P.S….and I more than like the blue boots my husband gifted me…yes, “colorful”. They suit me, don’t you think?

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